Friday, March 4, 2011

My Serious Problem

I feel I have a blessing/curse in the mornings before work. I am always, and I mean always, ready to go by 9:30, when really I don't need to leave till 9:45 to get to work on time. I started out waking up at 8:30 for work, which is at 10:00. But after awhile of realizing that with the way I work and get ready that I don't need that much time, I decided to give myself 15 more minutes. When even that proved to give me extra time I gave myself 15 more minutes. Now I've been getting up at 9:00 to shower, do my make-up, get dressed, spend some online time and make breakfast (and sometimes lunch). But no matter what, even if, like today, I start making breakfast on the stove at 9:25, I am still finished and done with everything by 9:30.
Honestly, it pisses me off.

I know I should be pleased with my speediness, especially cause I'm not even trying to go fast. I pay attention to my make-up, I don't take super quick showers, and I give myself all the time I want online in the morning, (which, given, isn't that much time, cause, you know, it's morning) and I actually make breakfast, which usually takes enough time for me to make a lunch while the food is cooking. AND STILL 9:30, all the time, every time.

Today I finished my food, cleaned up and put away my dishes and when I saw it was 9:30, I would have yelled FUCK, but Ginny was asleep and her door was open, so that would have been just rude.

I just don't understand it, I really don't. But then again... I did always arrive at my bus stop early in high school... I think I just have a problem with always being early, in fact, I'm positive I have a problem with always being early. It's actually physically hard for me to be late...

And yes, I consider it a problem.

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