At my internship I am currently working on the Lifetime show One Born Every Minute.
What does this mean? This means that my Mondays and Fridays are all about babies and labor and delivery nurses...
What does this mean for this blog? This means a blog about what I've learned from working on One Born! Lucky you! It's all about the babies today!
The biggest thing I've taken from this show is that watching labor and delivery nurses for hours and hours is not good for my health. You see... our show likes to fill spaces with "nurse moments" these are cute funny little moments of the silly things the nurses of L&D say all the time... Yeah, they don't say funny stuff all the time. In fact, they do not say funny things enough.
I have spent too many days just watching hours and hours and hours and hours of nurse footage just waiting for something good to happen. And see, they filmed 24 hours a day for weeks at a time sometimes, so there's a lot of footage and it's not even like you can just fast forward until something good happens, cause there might be something in the middle of a conversation, or some nurse might just make an amusing face or be caught on camera picking her nose.
Needless to say, this is a boring, tedious and never-ending task (though it may finally be over, knock on wood) and it has literally haunted my dreams.
I mean it, I couldn't sleep one night because whenever I closed me eyes I saw more nurse footage and kept wondering if the moments would be good for the show.
There is one good part of the nurse moments though, and that's when you win.
And by win, I mean when I get one of my nurse moments in the show. Even better yet, sometimes, some people (people like me) find a nurse moment so good, it's used twice! WIN FOR MIA!
I have also learned that husband/fathers-to-be go fucking crazy before having a baby.
I'm not joking here, they are so weird in the delivery room. They make noises, eat obsessively, sing, say weird ass things, will not shut up, some even go out and buy strollers while their wives are in labor and bring the stroller back to the hospital... in the box.
My guess, they are driven crazy by the lack of attention, since everyone is all about the baby mama's, with good cause.
So ladies, if you be having babies and your man be acting all crazy, ask him to get real close, then smack his crazy face!
(that's your Mia advice for the week)
I have also learned that new borns are really weird looking. They look like little alien sea monkeys, all wrinkly and discolored and covered in goop. Gross. (but also cute)
Also, I learned that if you're going into labor and need a laugh, invite your drunk friends!
So maybe I haven't learned the best things, but hey! Babies!